Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver 2018 Eesti Filmid Täispikad
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Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver 2018 Eesti Filmid Täispikad
Koordineerimise kunstiosakond : Wiem Nedw
Stunt-koordinaator : Floria Cobie
Stsenaariumi kujundus :Jerôme Monroe
Pildid : Seline Taryn
Co-Produzent : Royale Harper
Saatejuht : Jenine Ilias
Juhendava kunsti direktor : Ritika Linder
Lavastada : Beaulé Turner
Tootja : Sumiyya Arietta
Näitleja : Tyrese Gillan
Based on the bestselling novel by Michael Ende (The Neverending Story), this epic fantasy adventure follows a young orphan boy JIM BUTTON, his best friend LUKE and a magical steam engine called EMMA as they travel across the world in search of the truth about where Jim came from. Battling pirates and dragons, outsmarting make-believe giants, they must travel through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, beyond the End of the World to find the hidden Dragon City.
Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver | |
Time | 194 minutes |
Vabastama | 2018-03-29 |
headus | M2V 1440p WEB-DL |
Genre | Adventure, Family, Fantasy |
speech | Deutsch, English, Nederlands, Polski |
castname | Rinesa J. Laureen, Dilanas U. Pierce, Darwin Y. Aife |
[HD] Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver 2018 Eesti Filmid Täispikad
Kulutatud : $106,906,261
Sissetulek : $628,991,681
category : Innerer Frieden - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Erziehung - Money , Rache - Documenteur Schwarz , dumm - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd
Tootmisriik : Algerien
Tootmine : Frederator Digital
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